Sheri Easter - Beyond Today Lyrics
- Song Title: Beyond Today
- Album: Sheri
- Artist: Sheri Easter
- Released On: 01 Jan 2006
- Download/Stream: iTunes Music Amazon Music

Beyond today
Just past this veil of tears
There's a ray of hope
That filters through the pain
Beyond today
I have no map to trace
When my steps are sure by grace
And God's prepared the way
Beyond today
Yesterday my heart couldn't beat for breaking
Hopes and dreams shattered in my face
But God knew to be whole I must be broken
Now I'm on the mend and healing by His grace
Beyond today
Just past this veil of tears
There's a ray of hope
That filters through the pain
Beyond today
I have no map to trace
When my steps are sure by grace
And God's prepared the way
Beyond today
Tomorrow if I'm standing on the mountain
Confident I've conquered every foe
God may not intend for me to live there
So I'll follow him to the valley far below
Beyond today
Just past this veil of tears
There's a ray of hope
That filters through the pain
Beyond today
I have no map to trace
When my steps are sure by grace
And God's prepared the way
Beyond today
My steps are sure by grace
And God's prepared the way
Beyond today